Medical Device Technologies

Medical Device Technologies introduces undergraduate engineering students to commonly manufactured medical devices. It is the first textbook that discusses both electrical and mechanical medical devices. The first 20 chapters are medical device technology chapters; the remaining eight chapters focus on medical device laboratory experiments. Each medical device chapter begins with an

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Medical Device Technologies

Medical Device Technologies introduces undergraduate engineering students to commonly manufactured medical devices. It is the first textbook that discusses both electrical and mechanical medical devices. The first 20 chapters are medical device technology chapters; the remaining eight chapters focus on medical device laboratory experiments. Each medical device chapter begins with an

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IP Strategies for Medical Device Technologies

Medical device professionals encounter numerous challenges from successfully developing a medical device company to understanding and navigating the various intellectual property issues that arise as they seek to protect and commercialize their inventions. This is an essential resource for understanding the nuances of protecting and launching a medical device in

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New Frontiers in Medical Device Technology

New Frontiers in Medical Device Technology offers the engineering, medical, and business communities an up-to-date report on current and emerging medical technologies. This timely and authoritative book brings together a core of experts who provide comprehensive coverage of new medical device technologies and focuses on the link between the engineering

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The Changing Economics of Medical Technology

Americans praise medical technology for saving lives and improving health. Yet, new technology is often cited as a key factor in skyrocketing medical costs. This volume, second in the Medical Innovation at the Crossroads series, examines how economic incentives for innovation are changing and what that means for the future

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Devices and Designs

In this volume, leading scholars in the history and sociology of medicine focus their attention on the material cultures of health care. They analyze how technology has become so central to medicine over the last two centuries and how we are coping with the consequences.

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Assessing Medical Technologies

New drugs, new devices, improved surgical techniques, and innovative diagnostic procedures and equipment emerge rapidly. But development of these technologies has outpaced evaluation of their safety, efficacy, cost-effectiveness, and ethical and social consequences. This volume, which is "strongly recommended" by The New England Journal of Medicine "to all those interested

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Medical Devices

Background papers 1 to 9 published as technical documents. Available in separate records from WHO/HSS/EHT/DIM/10.1 to WHO/HSS/EHT/DIM/10.9

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