The Yoga of the Nine Emotions

A guide to changing negative emotions and promoting happiness using traditional Tantric and Ayurvedic practices • Details the 9 Rasas that represent our basic emotions • Offers emotional fasting exercises and daily routines for emotional well-being • Shows how Rasa Sadhana can be integrated with other yoga practices • Based on the teachings of Harish

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The Yoga of the Nine Emotions

Rasas are the essence of our emotions that exist in both the body and the mind. Peter Marchand offers practical physiological and philosophical tools that can help readers change their emotional patterns. Those who practice Rasa Sadhana learn to overcome negative emotions in order to pursue better health, enhanced spiritual

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The Yoga of Truth

Jnana Yoga shows the seeker that everything in the body, personality, thoughts, memories, and experiences has form and is changeable and, thus, is neither essential nor eternal. Its contemplative practice identifies the witnessing consciousness within--all that remains when the ephemeral is eliminated--as the real Self, the one and only unchanging

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Tools for Tantra

Tantric yantras are precise geometric forms that have been used for centuries as tools for self-realization and the attainment of mystical powers. In Tools for Tantra, Tantric practitioner and scholar Harish Johari has re-created the exact colors and proportions of the primordial yantras along with step-by-step instructions for their accurate

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Tantric Advaita   Energizing Nonduality

'You are that blissful Self-awareness beyond duality. You really 'get that', yet it is hard to keep feeling it. Tantric Advaita may be just what you need.' Having discovered the beauty of Self-awareness, nonduality or Advaita becomes a way of pure being. Yet, life tends to produce its various

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The Yogi Assignment

An inspirational 30-day yoga and lifestyle program that will challenge your mind, body, and spirit--by one of the most dynamic and high-profile contemporary Ashtanga yoga teachers, Kino MacGregor. “The brave heart of a yogi is defined by actions that make the world a better place.” Live with authenticity, practice patience,

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Love Your Ego

If we can look at length in the mirror without feeling unhappy, we can walk the highest yogic paths. "Love your Ego" reflects our divine inner child in the mirror of ancient yogic scripture. If you find it hard to live in the now, have no desires, always be kind

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Nine Designs for Inner Peace

A complete guide to creating planetary yantras to access their healing and centering benefits • Provides easy-to-follow instructions to create the yantras • Serves as an introduction to active meditation, which focuses the mind while the body is engaged in a meditative activity The tantric art of drawing or painting the nine

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