Public Health at the Border of Zimbabwe and Mozambique  1890   1940

This book is the first major work to explore the utility of the border as a theoretical, methodological, and interpretive construct for understanding colonial public health by considering African experiences in the Zimbabwe-Mozambique borderland. It examines the impact of colonial public health measures such as medical examinations/inspections, vaccinations, and

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Lived Experiences of Borderland Communities in Zimbabwe

This book examines the national borders and borderlands of Zimbabwe through the presentation of empirically rich case studies. It delves into the lived experiences, both past and present, of populations residing along the borders between Zimbabwe and its neighbours, i.e., Zambia, Botswana, South Africa and Mozambique. It locates these

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Livelihoods of Ethnic Minorities in Rural Zimbabwe

The book provides empirically-rich case studies of the lives and livelihoods of marginalised ethnic minorities in colonial and post-colonial Zimbabwe, with a specific focus on diverse rural areas. It demonstrates the dynamic and complex relationships existing between ethnic minorities and livelihoods, and analyses the ways in which projects of belonging (

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Healing Mission

Theologische Studien zu bioethischen und medizinischen Fragestellungen vernachlässigen oft den Aspekt der Gesundheit der Bevölkerung(en). Andererseits hat die Covid-19-Pandemie das Ausmaß der Vernetzung zwischen Völkern und Nationen gezeigt. Trotz zahlreicher Studien zu den ethischen, sozialen und medizinischen Herausforderungen einer globalen Pandemie gibt es immer noch

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The Long War on Drugs

Since the early twentieth century, the United States has led a global prohibition effort against certain drugs in which production restriction and criminalization are emphasized over prevention and treatment as means to reduce problematic usage. This “war on drugs” is widely seen to have failed, and periodically decriminalization and legalization

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Contingent Citizens

Contingent Citizens examines the ambiguous state of South Africa’s public sector workers and the implications for contemporary understandings of citizenship. It takes us inside an ethnography of the professional ethic of nurses in a rural hospital in KwaZulu-Natal, shaped by a deep history of mission medicine and changing forms

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Zimbabwe s Migrants and South Africa s Border Farms

This book addresses the complex labour and life conditions faced by workers in the agricultural borderlands of northern South Africa.

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Conspicuous Destruction

Addressing two sets of concerns, this report covers both the abuses relating to the seventeen years of war between the Mozambique Armed Forces and the rebel Mozambique National Resistance, as well as the reforms instigated by the ruling Mozambique Liberation Front under President Joachim Chissano. Africa Watch evaluates the progress

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