Learn Angularjs in 1 Day

Angular JS is responsible for making the website interactive and responsive. It helps designer and developers to eliminate much of the code usually needed for websites development. Angular JS is based upon MVC model. To learn and harness more power of the Angular JS framework, it takes a continuous intervention

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Learning AngularJS

With AngularJS, you can quickly build client-side applications that run well on any desktop or mobile platform, using REST web services for backend processes. You may have heard that the learning curve for this JavaScript MVC framework is too steep, but that’s not the case. This practical guide provides

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Learn AngularJS in 24 Hours

Angular JS is responsible for making the website interactive and responsive. It helps designer and developers to eliminate much of the code usually needed for websites development. Angular JS is based upon MVC model. To learn and harness more power of the Angular JS framework, it takes a continuous intervention

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Angular JS for Beginners

This book contains the steps, strategies, and techniques you need to learn and use AngularJS, a well-supported and widely-used JavaScript framework for single page applications development. This training material was conceptualized and developed to help beginners of diverse backgrounds to master the powerful features of AngularJS and use them to

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Angularjs for Beginners   Learn Angularjs Step by Step in a Day

Angularjs for beginners -Learn angularjs step by step in a day. This is the best book for the beginners to start learning angularjs . Topics covered in this book1)Setting Up the AngularJS Environment2)Using Scope Functions3)Executing Scope Methods4)Bracketed Expressions5)Understanding Dot Notation6)Controllers and Variable Scope7)Sharing Data

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Develop smaller, lighter web apps that are simple to create and easy to test, extend, and maintain as they grow. This hands-on guide introduces you to AngularJS, the open source JavaScript framework that uses Model–view–controller (MVC) architecture, data binding, client-side templates, and dependency injection to create a much-needed

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Learning AngularJS

Learning AngularJS Get started with AngularJS web development fast AngularJS is one of the most exciting and innovative new technologies emerging in the world of web development. Designed to simplify the development and testing of web applications, it also provides structure for the entire development process. Websites are no longer

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Angular  Up and Running

This book will demystify Angular as a framework, as well as provide clear instructions and examples on how to get started with writing scalable Angular applications. Angular: Up & Running covers most of the major pieces of Angular, but in a structured manner that is generally used in hands-on training. Each

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